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The Revolution of Everyday Life

Group Exhibition of Ash

‘Ash’ is the grey or black powdery substance that is left after something is burnt. Also, ‘ashes’ are a dead person’s remains after the body has been cremated. ‘Ash’ is a name of a group of Daegu-based artists who wants to leave ashes symbolizing a meaningful work of art. The members of the group are Youngsam Kim, Hyeryeong Moon, Siyoung Lee, Daechoon Jeon, Sugjung Choi, Haeyeon Hwang, who have developed their work of art continuously. Through the critiques on the regular basis, they stimulate each other in the aspect of making art and exchange positive effect in the harsh art scene of Korea. So far, they have had three exhibitions, trying to make the group more stable. Each member has built his or her own world of art persistently, but we should also notice that they spare no pain to keep the group. In these days a lot of artists’ groups and alternative spaces under the slogan of protection of the rights and interests of artists appear and disappear repeatedly. After all, the honest souls who keep their first intention sincerely are the ones who survive as a good artists’ group. All members of Ash have been enduring the hardship of living as an artist perseveringly for a long time, which influence younger local artists a lot. Trying to communicate with the public through their work of art, they often have exhibitions in the public spaces like a subway station and hospital, etc. With a strong sense of solidarity, they show us a good model of an artists’ group, especially the one that includes artists who are in their 40s and 50s, whose role in the art world is considered important due to the life expectancy that has increased nowadays. They make us think of how to accept the life of an artist and make it a revolution of everyday life.

- Realti Art Space Yoonkyung Kim

제단사의 가위, Oil on canvas, 200cm x 140cm, 2013, 김영삼 작가 (Youngsam Kim),

Forest, Acrylic on canvas, 110x110cm, 2019, 최숙정 작가 (Sukjoung Choi),

+ - =, Mixed media, 90.5 x 116.5cm, 2019, 전대춘 착가 (Daechun Jeon),

슬픔, 중밀도 섬유판, 34 x 33 x 80cm, 2018, 이시영 작가 (Siyoung Lee),

Your water makes forest, 110cmx60cm, 2015, 황해연 작가 (Haeyoun Hwang),

Female-UTOPIA, Acrylic on canvas, 125 X 65cm, 2018, Hyeryoung Moon,


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