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크기변환_600O Wonder!-27 Mixed media 100x80.

'O Wonder!' by artist Bojung Park

2020. 9. 8. ~ 2020. 9. 30. (11:00 - 17:00, closed on Monday)

In her new series of artworks, ‘O Wonder!’ she reflects her daily life affected by the disastrous situation of COVID-19 pandemic. The title ‘O Wonder!’ is about the last lines of Miranda, one of the main characters of Shakespeare’s play, ‘The Tempest’, “Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world. That has such people in’t!” Through her artwork, she wants us to rediscover the wonder of our daily lives. Changing the form of her subjects, such as people, dogs, cats, mountains, raindrops, clouds, trees, and flowers, she makes paintings of unrealistic scenes, presenting scenes of our daily lives that seem to be a dream that we can no longer have. With oil sticks and pens, she continuously draws what we all miss in our daily lives on a linen cloth, which is cut and attached to a bigger canvas symbolizing a new space. It is interesting that her artwork forces us to imagine the aftermath of World War 1 that developed surrealism in Europe, which is known for visual artworks, writings, and the juxtaposition of uncommon imagery. Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, she alludes to the fear that those surrealists might have had and how art reflects human emotions timelessly. Like surrealist poets, she creates odd creatures from everyday objects like animals, plants, body parts, raindrops, clouds, hats, and kettles, and uses automatism that allows the unconscious to express itself to reveal that what happens in our daily lives is a precious gift. It is a wondrous dream that can be an absolute reality.


Realti  Yoonkyung Kim

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